While the code was written in part to test the capabilities of accumulators, there were real problems motivating it. Accumulators are an excellent way to pull secondary, summary results from processing and RDD without interfering with the main result.
The Statistics class can accumulate statistics on data. The object is immutable. addition results in a new objects combining one or more number or one other Statistics. The code is shown below.
The code may be used in two ways - to create an accumulator or directly as shown in the following
sample using combineByKey
To create an accumulator say
// Make an accumulators using Statistics
final Accumulator<Statistics> totalLetters = ctx.accumulator(Statistics.ZERO, "Total Letters ", Statistics.PARAM_INSTANCE);
// lines from word count
JavaRDD<String> lines = ctx.textFile(args[0], 4);
JavaRDD<String> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
public Iterable<String> call(final String s) throws Exception {
// Handle accumulator here
totalLetters.add((long)s.length()); // count all letters
... // other stuff
// more code
Statistics letterStatistics = totalLetters.value();
int numberLetters = letterStatistics.getNumber();
double averageLineLength = letterStatistics.getAverage();
When multiple keys are involved the same structure may be used in combineByKey to generate separate statistics for each key
sample using combineByKey
To create an accumulator say
// Make an accumulators using Statistics
final Accumulator<Statistics> totalLetters = ctx.accumulator(Statistics.ZERO, "Total Letters ", Statistics.PARAM_INSTANCE);
// lines from word count
JavaRDD<String> lines = ctx.textFile(args[0], 4);
JavaRDD<String> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
public Iterable<String> call(final String s) throws Exception {
// Handle accumulator here
totalLetters.add((long)s.length()); // count all letters
... // other stuff
// more code
Statistics letterStatistics = totalLetters.value();
int numberLetters = letterStatistics.getNumber();
double averageLineLength = letterStatistics.getAverage();
When multiple keys are involved the same structure may be used in combineByKey to generate separate statistics for each key
All code for this article is available here.